
Championing Alabama Healthcare Resources One County at a Time

AHEC is doing our part to improve quality & workforce availability throughout all 67 Alabama counties.

Proudly Strengthening Healthcare in Your AL Community

The Alabama Statewide AHEC Program remains committed to expanding the health care workforce of Alabama—particularly within its underserved and rural communities. We have boots on the ground and powerful initiatives underway in each of Alabama’s 67 counties to strengthen care and streamline access for a better present and future.

The goals of the Alabama Statewide AHEC Program are:

  • To influence the training of health professions students and residents toward primary care
  • To provide continuing education and support for targeted health providers
  • To implement programs, services, and activities that target underrepresented minorities, rural and otherwise disadvantaged Alabamians for careers in the health professions.

These goals are accomplished through an innovative, collaborative, and interprofessional response to the needs of our communities. We’re always looking for local and regional partners to further our vision of an Alabama with equal access to quality care for each of our nearly 5 million residents. See how you can help in your community today.

Meet the AHEC Program Office Team

Rebecca A. Reamey, PhD

Interim Director

Alia Tunagur

Director of Marketing

Paulisha Holt, MBA

Program Director, Finance & Evaluation

Kala Dixon, PhD, MS

AHEC Scholars Program Director

Kristin Boggs, MSW

Special Projects Coordinator

Rachel Watts

Digital Media Coordinator

East Central AL AHEC

Gadsden, AL

North AL

Huntsville, AL

At AHEC, we’re building and supporting the healthcare workforce Alabama needs.
Join us today.

The Alabama AHEC Network is dedicated to recruiting, training, and retaining the Alabama healthcare workforce while broadening the distribution of the health workforce, enhancing the quality of care, and improving health care delivery to rural and underserved populations in Alabama. The following centers are members of the Alabama AHEC Network and are federally funded HRSA AHEC Programs and nationally recognized Area Health Education Centers: Alabama Statewide Network Program Office, North Alabama AHEC (NAAHEC), East Central Alabama AHEC (ECAAHEC), Black Belt Alabama AHEC (BBAAHEC), Wiregrass Alabama AHEC (WAAHEC), Delta Alabama AHEC (DAAHEC).